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Key Benefits of

Frontdoor Payments

Fraud Increasing And

Rare To Recover


Reported to the FBI as lost due B2B payment fraud in 2023, with total estimate over $16B

And fraud continues to grow exponentially:

  • Check Fraud attempts were up 161% YOY in 2023
  • ACH Fraud attempts were up 67% YOY in 2023

Improving the Process

Without Tradeoffs


Eliminates Risk


Fair Pricing


Suppliers Love It


100% Digital

Each Payment Type

Has Pros And Cons

Challenge is how to maximize positives of each method, minimize negatives, and integrate into workflow.


Tried and true, extremely inefficient, high fraud


Seemingly cheap, digital, quick, but laborious to collect data, difficult to validate and securely store data, exceptionally high fraud

Virtual Card

Most secure, rebates for payor, adds huge costs to exchange (most taken by credit card company), hard to manually manage, not 100% acceptance